Margie Jo Dolly Steinbeck Date of Birth: June 20th, 2037
Species: Human
Race: Chickasaw, Irish, Welsh, Polish, Danish
Powers: N/A
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Naturally Brunette, Bleached/Dyed Golden Blonde
Skin Color: Porcelain
Height: 5’5”
Distinguishing Features: Stick-Thin, Deer-Caught-in-the-Headlights Eyes, Brightly Colored and Geometrically Patterned Clothing
Margie’s full name as the sole evidence, it isn’t difficult to guess at her family background. Margie’s parents are a prime example of country-fried Trailer Trash. With Redneck roots, Margie has struggled her way up the ladder of popularity. Ever since she moved from Kentucky in the first grade, she has clung to the pretty girls. Girls with shoes, and make-up, and tabloid gossip.
Part-way through 7th grade, her family switched trailer parks, from Santa Monica to Beverly Glen. Upon arriving at Arnaz Middle School, Margie immediately latched onto the most popular girl she could find, Alexia Woods. Alexia didn't seem to mind Margie's lack of poise. In fact, she took the twiggy girl under her wing, and they have been best friends ever since.
With Alexia at her side, Margie has made it into the inner circle. Still, she’s a ditz and naturally unsophisticated; so even amongst friends she’s seen as a wannabe.
Family: Randall Steinbeck (Father), Suzanne Steinbeck (Mother)
Friends: Alexia Woods, Renesmee Moriarty, Valerie Spicer, Jessilyn McCreery, Tanya Robinson, Kylie Zeller
Favorite Color: Tangerine
Favorite Food: Canned Spray Cheese Soy Nuts
Favorite Drink: Cucumber Melon Iced Tea
Favorite Movie(s)/TV Show(s): The Hills: The Movie, Sex and the City, High School Monarch
Favorite Music: ElectroPop
Favorite School Subject: Lunch
Hobbies: Shopping, Gossiping, Reading Tabloids